Tashkent Campus

Tashkent, Uzbekistan


960.000 m²

Tashkent Campus accommodates science research departments and related fields with 10 institutes   locates on the northern skirts of Tashkent City. Each institute will have undergraduate and graduate students approximately 100 per classes and total 650 students per institutes. The campus will accommodate 6.500 students.

The design approach focused on the educational complex to supply students a space for developing themselves not only feeding with knowledge but also developing in terms of mind, spirit and body.

The project is strongly integrated to city with public spaces, everyday visit functions and in terms of vehicle transportation and pedestrian flow.

Educational facilities, administration, dorms and common spaces including dining and libraries and sports areas accommodates on 655.000 sqm area. In addition to educational areas there are complementary functions as green large buffer zones and residential units within the project site.